Finally, after a long stop period during which we dedicated ourselves to smart working and bird watching from home, we are excited to be able to start proposing the next daily appointments, to discover the natural wonders that surround us!

In the previous weeks, in order to get better with our activities, in a gradual and responsible way, we tested some urban trekking and birdwatching routes in the city environment, as well as photographic trekking on the nearby mountain ranges, imagining how the next excursions.

Fortunately for us, the vast majority of K’ Nature activities take place outdoors and, in order to reduce the disturbance on the fauna and maximize the observations, they never involve large groups of participants.

Therefore, we can return to the field, albeit with further important restrictions:

  • Groups with a maximum number of 15 participants.
  • Cancel your participation in case of body temperature equal to or higher than 37 ° C.
  • Keep the minimum distance of at least 2 meters.
  • Permanent use of reusable mask (worn well) during stops is mandatory.
  • Bring disinfectant gel with you.
  • Reservations required through our website.
  • Bring the exact participation fee with you.
  • It is recommended to bring binoculars with you. Although limited in number, optical material will be made available, sterilized before and after the activity, for individual use.
  • In birdwatching and wildlife observation activities that involve the use of the spotting scope, this will be made available avoiding approaching the lenses.
  • In case of carpooling (car passage to reach the meeting place), the number of passengers will be limited to two per row of seats. The vehicle will be disinfected after each excursion.

Unfortunately, we are still unable to say when we will be able to leave with the naturalistic expeditions in Andalusia, Greece and many other countries, nevertheless, we are lucky to have places of equal beauty and naturalistic value, even a few steps from home.

Just think that Italy is one of the European countries with the highest degree of biodiversity, with multiple examples of endemisms between flora and fauna. To give an example, only with regard to birdlife, there are over 530 species of birds sightable in our country (including nesting, wintering, migratory and vagrants).

Already only in the Campania and Lazio regions, where our activities are most concentrated throughout the year, we have an infinite number of old and new itineraries to offer.

From trekking walks in the city centers, to birdwatching day trips along the coastal wetlands, to backpacking excursions among some of the most interesting mountain massifs, our team of expert zoologists and biologists will be able to lead you in the observation of flora and fauna.

We would also like to inform you that, aiming even more in this period on Italy and its naturalistic, but also historical and food and wine heritage, we are planning, with the help of the travel agency Mama Tours and our collaborators, many new itineraries, between excursions and naturalistic weekends, on the whole national territory… stay tuned!
